The Mint 400, also known as “The Great American Off-Road Race,” also known as that batshit sandstorm Hunter S. Thompson smoked his way through in Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas kicks off at 6:00 a.m. PST on March 12, 2016. Here are the best spots to look for action online!
I will start with the bad news; there is no “live stream” video. There’s just too much area to cover to pull it off, at least this year. However, you can still live track racers in real time and keep an eye on the race clocks from anywhere with an internet connection.
But the most visually interesting things to watch will probably be on the social media accounts of the Mint 400 race itself, off-road action hub Race-Dezert, and title event sponsors BF Goodrich and Polaris RZR. Plus, of course, my personal Twitter and Instagram pages which I’m sure you’re already a big fan of if you like vehicles and cute animals.
As for everybody else, here are the links you want:
Mint 400 Official
Race Dezert
BF Goodrich
Polaris RZR
So far it seems like Instagram is the most-updated format for all those guys, but I’d keep an eye out for #mint400 across any and all social media today. I personally am partial to Twitter, so hit me up if you spot me in Team Jalopnik’s highlighter yellow Mercedes-Benz G500 4x4²!
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