How Fast Can You Race Around This Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model's Body?

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Lexus is not a company that is prone to cutting corners when it comes to promoting its products. Case in point: Their TORI 500 campaign for the new GS sedan is literally formed around Sports Illustrated swimsuit babe Tori Praver.

Along with the usual smart-device materials and high-profile events, the GS introduction features this video of a quick little race between veteran drivers Scott Pruett and Greg Tracy. In one of the more interesting examples of organic course design, the track was created by painting an outline of Praver's curvy physique on the ground.

The prize? A lap around the course with the track's "designer."

Even if the GS isn't nearly as exciting as last year's featured LFA, the promotional product is definitely a conceptual step forward compared to the more simplistic smoked cheesecake that was the theme of the previous campaign.


Lexus launching an app that will let you race her yourself, but for now all it'll let you do is crop her into random photos.