How Effective Was the VW Polo Suicide Bomber *Ad*?

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The recent VW Polo suicide-bomber maybe-ad, has been the subject of intense blogger-like activity, even from the right-wing conspiracy set. The viral ad controversy was featured recently on the conservative tabloid WorldNetDaily, which cites a report from Britian's Media Guardian alleging LeeandDan, the agency claiming responsibility for the spot, was paid $75,000 and given access to the latest Polo model to do the shoot. The conclusion being that VW is somehow behind the ad, although likely hidden by a shadowy network of fronts, counter-fronts and six-figure slush funds.

Our question is this: If VW is found to have been responsible for the ad, would have they gotten their money's worth? Click through to participate in Jalopnik's first-ever brand awareness poll, which will try to gauge the ad's effectiveness using completely non-scientific and blatantly self-serving means.

Before the alleged "suicide bomber" ad hit the Internet, were you aware of the VW Polo?
I wouldn't have known it from a Mitsubishi Marco. (i.e., no)
Of course I've heard of it. Who hasn't? (i.e., yes)
What's an "ad"?
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