Tech inspection is over, the cars are circulating on the track for transponder tests, and the green flag is about to drop. Some teams, thinking it would be to their advantage to be among the final cars through the BS Inspection, held back until the last few minutes. Yeah, the judges will be too rushed to spot your adjustable coil-overs and suspiciously clean engine. Wrong! The real mistake, however, is made when A) the team works for a shop that builds Neon race cars and B) the team doesn't have a single scrap of documentation- fake or otherwise- to back up any claims for vehicle build costs. Obviously, they didn't read my helpful LeMons cheating tips. We took it easy on them in the lap penalty department: 50 laps. However, we decided it would be appropriate to change the Neon to a Civic, such modifications being performed by the Rally Ready crew from Austin. Lesson learned, Neon guys? We hope so!
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