Hoon of the Day: Oildown Burnout

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What's a hoon to do when he's got Tommy Ivo aspirations but only mom's hand-me-down '87 Chevy Celebrity to carry them out with? Why, combine two of drag racing's most famous bits, natch: the oildown and the burnout. While the NHRA is now fining drivers who belch lubricant all over the track, these guys, on a quiet suburban road, have no such qualms with dumping two quarts onto and in front of each wheel and then revving the snot outta the Celeb's tappety-sounding wheezer. You can guess what comes next. Send in the hoons: tips@jalopnik.com

Burnout In A 1987 Chevy Celebrity W/ 4qt Of Oil On The Tires [Google Video]

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