We've been deluged with silly press releases today, but we've ignored most of them because they've elicited a tight smile, at most. But this ad from Honda, ostensibly promoting a DIY car kit, but really skewering insufferable hipsters from Brooklyn (definitely not me), is genuinely funny.
The Fit Kit Handmade logo is spot on for Best Made, New York City's finest purveyor of $300 axes, which are very useful in New York City, and the rest of the ad is all downhill from there:
We consider ourselves part of the whole hand-crafted movement. Our generation gets lumped into being technology EVERYTHING. Like, 'we want it right now! Everything's at our fingertips!'
But, you know, there's something cool, about making it ourselves, with our OWN fingertips. Like, we make homemade kombucha.
Everyone is insufferable, and I hate everyone.