When I’m not on Craigslist looking for cheap, vintage stereo gear it’s because I’m on Craigslist looking for cheap, vintage cars. OK, maybe not exactly vintage cars, more like classics. But they are nonetheless cool cars I grew up watching drive past, or spent time daydreaming about. These are mostly cars from the ’90s, through the turn of the Millennium and onto the aughts.
Of course, I don’t turn my nose up at cars other than those mentioned, but I do tend to favor manual transmission cars (and bikes) on my searches, because we all know there’s something special about rowing gears on a backroad. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a tuned MX-5 or a beat up S-10. A long road and gear shifting is the best therapy, I find.
Let’s see what I come up with as I step in for fellow car-shopper and colleague, Mercedes Streeter, this week in The Dopest Vehicles I Found For Sale Online: