Holiday Traffic in China Boggles the Mind

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Lunar New Year created a pretty impressive light show last week in China, at least for the the drone flying above the seemingly endless rows of brake lights. But I get a stress headache just trying to imagine sitting in literally miles of gridlocked traffic:

This footage of a three-mile jam was posted with deceptively relaxing music by Xinhua. The state-run news network captured these amazing shots of traffic along one of the main arteries in Guangdong providence. It’s the most populous region of the country, with the official population cresting 110 million back in 2005. Almost a third of that population is made up of migrants, per That translates to a lot of folk trying to get to Grandma’s house, all at once. All told, 415 millions people traveled in China last week, per Xinhua.

There may be no place like home for the holidays, but even Perry Como would be hard pressed to call this traffic “terrific.” Certainly no amount of family fun I’ve ever experienced would be worth this much frustration.
