Hold that Flower: Camper's Lotus Concept

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International shoe marketer and conceptualist, Camper has struck again with another lifestyle design concept, the Lotus. Much like the Peugeot Moovie concept, introduced at the Frankfurt show last year, it's a two-wheeled, gyroscopically stabilized commuter car of the future, which splits the difference between a wheelchair, a Dyson portable vacuum and a gerbil conveyance from Habitrail. The electric-powered Lotus was designed for the Chinese market, as a get-to-work ride for young entrepreneurs in urban environments. Zero emissions, easy parking, polycarbonate body panels and easy parking are its strong suits. Crash worthiness, we'd imagine is a more dicey proposition.

Camper Lotus Personal Commuter [AutoGate]

Frankfurt Premiere: Peugeot's Moovie Concept [internal]
