I’ve only ever been reckless enough to try and buy a car off Craigslist once. Back in 2013, I had found what seemed like a hell of a find at the time: A local guy wanted $3,000 obo for a 1990 NA Miata. The description said one owner. The top was a little messed up, but otherwise it was in good condition. The seller was only parting with it because they were moving or something. After a few back and forth emails, we agreed to meet up and he agreed to take $2800 for it. I wanted to check the car out before anything, though. So he gave me the address and I went. I started to regret it before I even arrived.
The address ended up being in some weird ass rural part of the county I had never been in. Driving up I noticed it was a large piece of land that had trees and a building on it that looked like it could be a small aircraft hangar. No one else was around. I stopped and got out. I called out but no one answered. After a third time of calling out a voice out of nowhere said “You here for the Miata right?” I answered yeah in an unsure tone of “Where the hell are you and why cant I see you?” “Its just back around here. Come on back.” This was the moment I noped out of there. I don’t think I’ve ever backed out of a place that quick in my life. Its also why I’d probably never buy a car private party off Cragislist.
We asked readers what were the weirdest experiences buying cars from Craigslist or Facebook. These were our favorite responses.