On Sunday, October 2nd, Jalopnik is sponsoring a food and art truck gathering called "Truck Yeah: A Mobile Meet Up," at Broom and Ludlow on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
Starting at noon, it'll be a six-hour feast from NYC's best food trucks, including the CoolHaus and Mud trucks. There will be art, music, and the best in NYC's mobile culture. We'll be combining it with a special "Street Meat Week" the week of September 26th — a celebration of all things meat-on-the-street. Oh, and I will be test-driving a food truck.
But, the groups running the event, Art Cart, Gawker Artists and LES New York, need some monetary help — so they've set up a Kickstarter grant to help make it a reality. If you want to help, give a couple of bucks — and if you want to help a lot, give a couple more.
Also, as a bonus — we'll be including a special Jalopnik bumper sticker for anyone who gives $25 or more to help make this happen. Yes, they'll be better than the ones from our meet-up. I swear.
So donate today!