A man took his 12-year-old son for a ride in a 700 horsepower Camaro when the fuel system failed and hell decided to take up residence in the car’s interior.
You know what probably won’t get the youths interested in cars? Roasting them inside second-generation Camaros.
That’s what appears to have happened in Edmonton, Alberta, after a man took his son out for a drive in a 700-horsepower modified Z28 Camaro. Watch as smoke starts to billow from the center console, and fire quickly creeps in and engulfs the cabin.
That poor kid.
James Towers, the man who posted the video to YouTube, talked about what happened in the clip in the comments section, saying:
yes... me and my 12 year old were going for a cruise and he was taking the video with my phone... fuel line cap blew off and sprayed fuel into the firewall and the fire came up into the interior of the car. We got out with only a couple of minor burns...
There’s no word on what’s left of the Camaro, but I’m just glad the duo made it out without getting badly burned.
Thanks to readers T off the New and Brad Landers for pointing out this new video showing the aftermath. The interior is gone, but the body still seems workable, and the engine may also still have some life in it.
h/t: Motor Trend