Go, Flash Go! The Dukes of Hazzard Album

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So it's not quite The Star Wars Holiday Special, but this weird little piece of cultural detrius is fairly amazing in and of itself. We don't know how we missed this one as a kid, but it pretty much rules in a way that few things have ruled before or since: a Dukes of Hazzard concept album, featuring songs sung by many of the show's characters. We especially love "Flash," in which James Best goes completely over the top with his patented Rosco noises, which are actually rendered even more hilarious for the lack of visuals. Thank you, brother Screenhead, for alerting us to this stash of "Dukes" gold.

Them Good Ol' Boys are Bad [Secret Spain via Screenhead]

Insert 1st 12 Notes of Dixie Here: NYT Hops on General Lee Bandwagon [Internal]
