Go Faster: The Coffee-Table Book Of Racing-Car Art

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Go Faster is a book written by a German university professor on the glory of racing-car graphic design. It looks ferociously cool. Gulf Oil livery, spray-painted models, and cool design-geek video below.

Sven Voelker is a professor at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, and he once helmed Suzuki Motor Corporation's corporate redesign. He's also a racing nerd and a car freak. His book takes a thinky, right-brain look at the world of racing livery.

We haven't seen a copy of the book yet, but the art was too cool to not share. The video below shows Voelker in the Porsche museum and takes a look at the book's unique treatment of design. (The models above were painted white in order to illustrate what the book's cars look like without color.)

"In the '70s, they called it war paint... These cars are not well-designed [in the traditional sense]. They're not perfect graphically, and there's no perfect typography. It's anarchy, it's randomness. There are so many mistakes on these cars, but they're just so cool."


Yeah, this guy gets it.


[Gestalten via Creative Review]