Nakai-san is the enigmatic man who is responsible for building some of the world's craziest Porsches at his famous Japanese tuning shop RAUH-Welt Begriff.
Although there are RWB tuning shops popping up all over the world building cars in the style Nakai-san has created, he can still be found building cars at the small garage in Chiba-Ken where he has been constructing custom Porsches for the past 20 years. recently produced this video profiling the man who dreams up the wild cars in light of the international expansion of RAUH-Welt Begriff.
The mad scientist behind RWB's reflections are almost as interesting and unique as the cars he builds. He's happy whether you love his Porsches or you hate them, he spends all of his money on cars, he won't quit smoking and he plans to continue turning out his unique brand of P-cars until the day he dies.