General Paint Chevy Truck Still On The Job In Hayward

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Hayward, California, is an interesting place; a one-time farm town, it was zoned for blight immediately after World War II and balkanized with weird islands of Alameda County unincorporated areas. There were dirt roads in some parts of Hayward until the mid-80s, which is pretty wild for an urban-core city right on the Bay. These days it's a mix of quaint downtown, vast industrial parks that seem to specialize in radioactive dioxin production, generic suburbia, drive-by-shooting gangland turf, and cool vehicles on the street. Especially the latter. Not only do you get every possible variety of original Detroit classic, bewinged Nipponese street racer, jacked-up meth-enhanced primer musclecar, street-sign-shootin' tall truck, old-school lowrider, and diamond-encrusted donk, you get ancient work trucks that have logged millions of miles at an average speed of 14 MPH. Trucks like this painter's work vehicle, which proud Hayward resident Casadelshawn shot for us.