GEM Peapod Photoshop Contest Winner - Spens PeaBot Takes Top Honors And iPod Touch

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In a stunning come-from-behind victory, Spens PeaBot has bested the competition in the GEM Peapod Photoshop Contest. As a result, Spen will be receiving the iPod Touch donated by the folks at GEM for his labors. The competition was fierce, with Orca Pod jumping to an early and commanding lead, but the PeaBot kept on truckin', racking up votes over the duration of the poll. Congratulations Spen, your masterful work has won the day, and to all who entered but didn't win, thanks for the great entries. Below we've broken out the voting among the top three entries and given one last look at the complete field.

Winner - Spens PeaBot with 30.1% (557 votes)

First Runner Up - Orca Pod with 25.1% (463 votes)

Second Runner Up - Kool Aid GEM 10.4% (192 votes)