Microsoft debuted their new trailer for Forza Motorsport 4 at E3 2011 last night, proudly displaying the game's new Kinect-enhanced ability to see the flying cars you're about to hit.
Should the Gran Turismo fanboys fear the pumped-up Kanye West anthem? The tire-physics? The Kinect voice and head-tracking controls? Will 80 car manufacturers, Jeremy Clarkson's baritone explanations, or the return of car clubs send them running for cover?
Maybe not, but this trailer clearly indicates Forza's reaching parity with the GT games in the area of absurd flying cars.
FULL DISCLOSURE: Jalopnik had an editorial tie-up with Turn 10 Studios on Forza Motorsport 3, this game's predecessor, on two DLC packs for the game. We are working on a similar tie-up on Forza Motorsport 4. Although no money has exchanged hands in this relationship, because it might be something you feel could affect our judgment and clarity in covering this game, we felt the transparency was important.