Formula E may have be struggling to win fans’ love and attention, but the series’ latest stunt shows that they speak the universal automotive language of love: donuts. Specifically, polar ice cap donuts.
Look, if you go to all the trouble to be the first all-electric race car to run on a polar ice cap, do us all a favor and hoon the car. Formula E dropped their race car north of the Arctic Circle in Greenland, and season championship runner-up Lucas di Grassi made short work of getting the little electric racer sideways and laying down some donuts.
The behind-the-scenes reel shows a bit more of the car rippling across the bumps of the ice cap and significantly more of di Grassi making tidy little circles with the car. Who cares how harsh the ice is on the car at this point? You have a polar ice cap to yourself. Go have fun.
Even if cars are fueled differently in the future, we know that one thing will never change: if there’s a car and some open space, it will be thrashed.