It looks as though "The Full Shilling," a bar located on Pearl St. here in Lower Manhattan's now deserted Financial District is the first casualty in Hurricane Irene's war on New York City. And... never mind damage photos — I've got video!
Thankfully, it's only a flagpole that's fallen down and snagged the flag on a hook or something. So unless this reveals Hurricane Irene's anti-American intentions, then this video's totally lame.
But whatever, it's totally damage and it totally counts. Do I win some weather journalist pool or something? What were the odds that the car blogger near the South Street Seaport would totally snag such an amazing, dramatic and possibly award-winning exclusive?
Sure, it's not a picture of a lawn chair that fell over like earlier this week, but who wants to run it first? MSNBC? CNN? Fox News? CBS? Come on boys, you know you want this exclusive video.
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