Fake Ferrari From China: The Chen-Zo?

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When we think of problems with law enforcement and a Ferrari, our thoughts turn to tales of Swedish mafia and chopped-up super cars on the PCH — but trust us when we say this story's totally as vile as any we've seen starring Steffan Erikkson. Cause although we've heard of some darn good fakes coming out of China — including a pretty li'l Gucci thing we once got an ex (we still don't think she knows it's a fake) — we've never heard of a fake supercar coming out of the land of low-cost manufacturing and the one-child policy. Well according to MobileMag and the video above that's all about to change — with a fake Ferrari Enzo being spotted by the trade po-po. Although we'd love to have our own Enzo for a only a cool $50,000 — we'd hate to see it go all Erikkson on us without actually being pushed off the road by an invisible McLaren. (Hat tip to Sam)

Chinese-made Ferrari clone spotted [MobileMag]

More on Ferrari [internal]
