Cessna's newest version of its Citation, the CJ3+ received its FAA type certification on Thursday. The CJ3+ builds upon the popular CJ3 by adding the Garmin G3000 avionics suite, automatic cabin pressurization, and advanced maintenance diagnostics.
The Citation CJ3+ flight deck, with Garmin G3000 avionics
Chris Hearne, Cessna's VP of Jets said:
"Cessna is committed to new product development and the swift progress of the Citation CJ3+, from announcement to certification and on to the market, is a perfect example of that laser-like focus. The CJ3+ incorporates the latest in technology for the cockpit and for the passenger cabin which is exactly what the customer has asked us to do, and that has always been a hallmark of Cessna's new product innovations."
The G3000 avionics suite in the Citation CJ3+ includes turbulence detecting weather radar, Traffic Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II), advanced Terrain Awareness Warning Systems (TAWS), and automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) capabilities which make it compliant with a significant aspect of future Next Generation (NexGen) air traffic control requirements. The aircraft cabin also features a wireless media server, Garmin integrated cockpit and cabin Iridium phone, and high speed internet capabilities.
The Cj3+ has a range of 2.070 miles and seats up to 9 passengers, cruising at 416 knots. The typical seating configuration is for 6 people, with two fold-down tables for meetings and workspace. The cabin has 14 windows, letting in lots of natural light, but it also has adjustable LED lighting. It has a wireless entertainment system, along with XM satellite weather and radio. The cabin is 57 inches high, and 15 feet, 8 inches long. A private lavatory is located at the rear of the cabin. Its new wing design features a computer-sculpted airfoil, which maintains an uninterrupted airflow, thereby reducing drag and increasing fuel efficiency.
All photos courtesy of Cessna / Textron