Embarg-Uh-Oed! AutoWeek Breaks Honda/Acura Embargo, Spews MDX Pics Across The Web!

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We feel like AutoWeek must not need to worry about those "embargo"-things, it's like they don't seem to apply to the folks with the once-a-week web updates. Like with the GMT-900 pickups last month and now with these pics of the Honda MDX. Of course what do we know, maybe AutoWeek went to the bathroom when the embargo date flashed across the screen at the Dearborn MDX launch event, but we figure hey, if no one's clamping down on the long lead folks — it must mean anyone can do it, right? Click the jump for the pictures and the link — you know you wanna — all the cool kids are doing it.

Tired of Crossovers? [AutoWeek]

AutoWeek Reveals GMT-900 Pickups Ahead of Launch
