Keep Track Of Elon Musk's Broken Promises And Bad Predictions With This Handy Website
It's been 1,598 days since Musk said there would be 1 million robot taxis roaming America by 2022.
Ah Elon Musk. We've been calling bullshit on quite a few of his grandiose claims for some time now, but not to the granular degree of the website Elon Musk Today.
I spent the better part of the last half hour scrolling down memory lane with some of the biggest and boldest (and often nonsensical) boasts to come out of Musk over the last 11 years. Like remember that time Musk said Autopilot would be able to complete a cross-country trip with no human intervention by 2017? Or when he promised solar-powered Superchargers 11 years ago?
Elon Musk Today takes you back in time to where you were when America's zaniest billionaire said he'd release a Wizard Hat to treat brain injuries.
"We are aiming to bring something to market that helps with certain severe brain injuries (stroke, cancer lesion, congenital) in about four years," again in 2017.
Today also has a counter that lets you know how many days have passed since Musk's predictions. So we know, as of this writing, that it's been 2,386 days "since Elon Musk took deposits for a space tourism flight around the moon scheduled for 2018." He took deposits again 1,815 days ago as well.
I can't blame him for not achieving every wild claim, however. Especially after Musk has taken quite a few Ls lately regarding the promises he did follow up on. Buying Twitter X has caused both the company's value and Musk's public image to fall to considerable depths. After years of waiting, Musk is also fulfilling his promise to bring the Cybertruck to customers, but so far there seems to be gaps in production quality and folks are starting to realize how schmutzy (and likely dangerous) stainless steal can get. And then there's Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Beta, which he is still making big promises about even while under serious investigation from an alphabet soup of state and federal bodies as well as several private lawsuits.
It's like a billionaire can't catch a break.