eBay Pulls First "Mystery Car" Auction

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The no-fun squad at eBay took down the first of two "mystery car" auctions. We had wanted to award some sort of prize to whoever's guess came closest to the actual car, but it looks like that won't be happening. Still, the guesses weren't bad, considering there were exactly zero clues provided.

· A 1991 ford escort LX dark blue. Tho, based on the size of that fucking house it's probably something a little classier. - Frosty

· A car that nobody would want ..........a GM Aztek. — Mike

· It's the audi from the car show, part of their viral marketing scheme thing. Either that, or a Ford Pinto... — Adam [We totally the same thing at first, but looks like it's probably not. - ed]

· A Olds Cutlass Salon, a car I actually owned in high school. Imagine this piece of crap as a four door - it's even the exact same color.

· He carefully refers to it as an "automobile" throughout the listing, so I have a feeling it may not be a car. Actually, I have no idea what the hell it is and no matter how long I stare at the Mario style block, I still don't get any work done. Which reminds me...back to work.

· It looks tiny, maybe some kind of a kit car?
My official guess: a Triumph Spitfire, I wouldnt admit to owning one
either, even if I was trying to sell it. — Danny

· Whatever it is, it's someone else's piece of shit. — Screech

Mystery Car for Sale on eBay [internal]
