The city of Nanjing is set to receive a drive-in automobile museum. That's right, just like a Safari, you'll be able to observe China's finest automobiles from the safety of your own car.
Describing the building, architects 3GATTI say, "A building to be dedicated to the automobile, where the automobile is also the vehicle to visit the space. You visit the first external ramp of the museum with your own private car, like a SAFARI, you park your car on the roof and visit by foot the internal ramp going down. The building could seem to appear as an urban car exhibitor, with its corners and angles filled with tempting shining exposed automobiles."
The idea is that you'll be able to drive on the building's roof, park, then walk down into it through an internal ramp. Check out the gallery for a diagram of exactly how they get the cars onto those precarious ramps. [via + MOOD]