Chrysler has commissioned advertising bechwhemoth BBDO to create an online game singing the praises of its Town & Country minivan. Obviously aimed at the mom set, the game allows players to set up pieces to create a route and then travel it in a...wait for it...waaaaaaaaait forrrrrrr it...Chrysler Town & Country! We're not quite sure the target demo has time to fart around on auto websites playing games while shopping for minivans, but being of the single, childless, under-30-for-five-more-days-male persuasion, we have to admit we've got little experience in the matter. Especially considering all of the moms we know in our age bracket seem to lust after Volvo wagons and Dodge Magnums.
Chrysler Hits the Road with New Advergame [ClickZ]
VW, Chrysler Close to a Deal on US Minivans, Cars [Internal]