While it totally sounds like a line from a cheesy porn, Detroit's automakers are seeking to find the right formula gettin' buyers in the showrooms and leavin' with a vehicle sportin' a glove-like fit. Most consumers are gonna end up finding themselves feeling like a kid in a candy store when they take a look at the dizzying array of options they've got at any of their Metro-Wherever Ford or GM dealerships...not to mention the enviro-friendly options found at non-domestics. You got your SUV's, CUV's, sedans, coupes, roadsters, pick-ups, minivans and wagons...all built off of the same platform...plus...would you like to super-size that with a hybrid? Which leaves us with a question or two. First, can domestics compete with lean-manufacturin' imports? Second...it totally sounds like fun, when can we have our car-hole plugged by an automaker?
U.S. automakers try to fill every niche [AP via Detroit News]
DP Cars: One Engineer's Quest to Build His Own Car [internal]