Cruise On Self-Destructo Bust

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Crank the Turbonegro and fire up the censored gay porn DVDs, 'cuz Tom Cruise is on a rampage, glorious mofos! Reader Spencer hipped us to the latest goings on in Hollywood, where everyone's favorite couch-hoppin' Peter Graves-wannabe is filming MI:3. The owner of Katie's (faux?) fuck-stick has apparently been doing his own stunts in an attempt to distract us from his lack of vertical stature and general theological looniness. Spence has a gallery of destroyed Range Rovers and other vehicles gracing the pages of his glorious site, which much like us, is "too queer for the red states, too white trash for the blue."

Big Truck Goes Boom! [LeftCoastBreakdown]

With HHR, Chevrolet Aims for the Aftermarket [Internal]