Creepy, Creepy Nuclear Plant Car-Affecting Creepiness in Wales

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Man, we hate to burst your bubble like ours was burst when we found this story, but it's not really as creepy as it sounds. What is creepy is that we just saw a photo of a hair model in Fantastic Sam's who bears more than a passing resemblance to The LA Times' Dan Neil, if Neil was a John Kerry impersonator. (Enough digressiveness for ya, Turnupseed?) Anyway, a nuclear power plant in Wylfa, Wales has a mysterious power to disable vehicles, especially Rovers and Fords. And no, it's not some scary stream of alpha particles bombarding the car's CPU, it's an emergency radio frequency that happens to be the same as that of the security system of a number of vehicles. If it's not creepy, it's at least kinda disconcerting.

N-plant puts cars ina twilight zone [icWales]

Nano, Nano: Scientists Build Molecular Car [Internal]