Considering today's Question of the Day, jpech took issue with the use of the word "crazy" to describe people who drive "exotic, or antique, or minimalist, or otherwise abnormal vehicles." They are not the crazy ones, he says, and then elaborates eloquently.
I am somewhat disappointed in my fellow Jalops, we of all people should know that driving exotic, or antique, or minimalist, or otherwise abnormal vehicles is the only sane way to live. What would be truly crazy is spending your limited years on this world driving a Camry, or an SUV, or any of the millions of personality free vehicles out there.
So I say to Jim in his 8C, you are not crazy, you are rolling in STYLE.
I say to the guy driving the Enzo or the Veyron, you are not crazy, you paid for it, it would be crazy not to drive it.
To the guy driving the old Model A, you are not crazy, you have a time machine, absolutely use it.
To the guy driving the Lotus 7 or Ariel Atom, you sir are not crazy, You are damn right, STIMULATE those senses.
To the guy driving the old British roadster, no you are not crazy, you are putting on a good show old bean.
To all the people out there driving something interesting, or fun, you are not crazy you are the only sane ones out there, to paraphrase Calvin and Hobbes, consider the days spent driving those cars seized and throttled.
Viva la revoluciones por minuto!