The Cooper Climax was the first of the modern rear engined grand prix cars and had very pleasing proportions. I saw the Coruba mixers in cans and the Coruba and Cooper sort of got together in my head. Thus the Coruba Climax.
When you cut into a can the wall thickness is quite fine and easily distorted and creased. In order to make another 3 dimensional structure from it you must provide more rigidity.
I used card on this car and stuck the alluminium to the card with impact adhesive. Initially this worked well though was quite messy. However after a short period the curved sections started to delaminate.
During the design stage I started working out how to make working suspension and steering and realised that this was becoming far too serious. The pendulum then swung completely the other way and I ended up making this a very simple model. On reflection I think it is too simple and if I were to make it again would add more of the detail and construction techniques that evolved with the subsequent cars.
Built August 2006
8 Coruba & Cola Cans
A car like this may be purchased for $800.
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