Cool Badges, Irrelevant Automakers And The Worst Things You've Ever Done To Your Car In This Week's QOTD Roundup
A collection of our best posts of the week in QOTD
It can be challenging to gauge the relevance of any automaker, but you can generally feel it. For example, how many recent Jaguars do you see on the road? When was the last time you’ve seen anyone get excited for a Chrysler that wasn’t a 300? You know, the Chrysler 300, the vehicle famous for resembling a car produced by a different automaker. - Ryan Erik King Read More
We all do dumb things sometimes. It’s okay to admit it. Earlier this week we asked our readers to tell us all about the worst thing they ever did to their car. Some of these responses are downright heartbreaking, so buckle up for a little bit of automotive sadness. If you have your own story that you’d like to tell to commiserate, you can drop your own worst thing in the comments below. - Bradley Brownell Read More
Badges and logos are supposed to be simple symbols or graphics that are meant to represent something else, and in the wonderful world of capitalism, brand recognition is important. Having an easily identifiable logo means consumers are subconsciously aware of a company’s presence. Last week, we asked you lot what cars have the coolest logos or badges, and you did not disappoint. From elaborate animals to single letters to celestial constellations, your answers ran the gamut. There were lots of great answers left in the comments, so if you’re a real logo freak, then I suggest you go back and check them out. These are the cars that the Jalopnik audience thinks have the coolest badges. - Logan Carter Read More
We all make mistakes. Some are worse than others, and some we didn’t even realize were mistakes at the time. I’ve done a lot of stupid shit with cars over the 20 years that I’ve been a legally licensed driver. Thankfully none of my dumb things have resulted in anyone’s injury, though I suppose I’ve injured a few cars and bikes. Like the time I ran too many highway miles at high speed in my Nissan Figaro and snapped the rocker shaft clean in half (above). It was something I could fix myself, but it was still a $1,200 mistake I didn’t really need to make. - Bradley Brownell Read More
The modern car is a pretty marvelous thing when you think about it. They can have slick styling, luxurious interiors packed with all kinds of creature comforts and come with more technology than you can shake a stick at. Some features on new cars, however, are just there to get people talking. - Owen Bellwood Read More
Welp, here we are again. Every four years the anxiety, horror and glory of our electoral system plays out, and every year I think the same thing: I wonder what kind of car the new (or old) president will use? There are so many different vehicles that have transported the Commander-In-Chief around this great nation of ours, but the first one that springs to my mind in the 1961 Lincoln Continental Presidential Limo. - Erin Marquis Read More