Concrete Wall 1, McLaren 0 After Crash At California's Auto Club Speedway

For those of you who feel we're too hard on Ferrari and Lamborghini drivers who crash their cars, then today is your lucky day. If you're a big McLaren fan, well, not so much.

We've got some sad news out of California today as we're getting reports of a McLaren MP4-12C that crashed out during a track event at the Auto Club Speedway.

Our source tells us the crash happened earlier this afternoon at a Speedventures HPDE event. From the photos, it looks like the McLaren left the track then slid into the concrete wall, badly damaging its passenger side and rear end.

We don't have any details on exactly how this went down yet, but we are told the driver walked away, which is good news.

If you have any information about this crash, hit us up at tips at jalopnik dot com, and let us know what you think in the comments.

UPDATE 1: A commenter on Facebook named Armik Aghakhani puts the blame on the driver of a BRZ:

The owner is good friend of mine and he is an excellent driver, a Subaru RBZ clipped him from side and he hit the guard rail. Stop the negative comments.

UPDATE 2: Our original source tells us that the McLaren was attempting to pass the BRZ, then lost control and hit the Subaru before spinning out and hitting the wall. Here's a shot of the clipped BRZ. Regardless of fault, it sounds like it sucks for everyone involved.

Photo and tip credit Greg Dennis.

