Commenter Of The Day: The Real McCoy Edition

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There's much disagreement over the origin of the English idiom "The Real McCoy" though none over its implication of authenticity. Which use of "The Real McCoy" is the real McCoy? Was it named for a boxer named McCoy who proved himself after knocking a drunk on his back? Was it named for a master lubricant inventor in Canada? Though it is hard to be certain, most now believe this phrase was derived from the Scottish phrase "The Real Mackay" and its spirited origins. Mackay's is a brand of fine whiskey going back more than 150 years. The company used "The Real Mackay" as a slogan. The Toyota Corolla Axio Super GT300 may be a Corolla, but Boosted Lego Wagon thinks it needs a few adjustments to be considered the real McCorolla.

Hmm... it really ought to be outfitted in the official Corolla racing livery of beige, and how much do you want to be that the right rear side wheel is a steelie missing a hubcap?

Also, expect to see it driving slowly along the left side of the track.

Photo Credit: CARL DE SOUZA/AFP/Getty Images
