After reconstruction essentially forced Republican governors and legislatures upon the solidly Democratic south, there were many power struggles between forces hoping to maintain Republicanism by involving ex-Confederates and those who wished to do so by incorporating the large populations of recently freed slaves. One of the earliest and most violent clashes between these two groups occurred in Arkansas, with Joseph Brooks and Elisha Baxster facing off for a contested governor's seat. Both claimed victory and, when neither party would accept the results, a violent struggle broke out and more than 200 people were killed. Eventually, Baxster won, but a new constitution would allow Democrats to takeover the state and disenfranchise black voters. It turns out, factions still exist within Arkansas, but Pat From Gundo believes the XJSchero can help.
Late at night, when the burly locals had all passed out on their lawns, Todd the Small Town Arkansas Gay Florist stared out his window, dreaming of the perfect delivery vehicle that would allow him to cruise in the manner he knew he deserved, yet would maintain a certain level of credibility with the dangerous rednecks that seemed to swarm around him. If only, he pined through a haze of bitter memories and chardonnay, someone, somewhere could hear his secret prayer and Camino-ize a sexy sexy Jaguar. If only...
Photo Credit: AK Encyclopedia