Hey, remember the 1980's? If you have a television or a computer you can't get away from the 1980's, try as you might. For all our exaggerated nostalgia, the decade did produce more than a few great things. It produced at least a couple of writers at this site. We have that decade to thank for Mr. Rick Astley. We'd be remiss if we didn't mention Miss Susie Stoddart, who is another product of the 80's. More importantly, the decade that brought us Markie Mark Arnold also brought us his piece about ten awesome American turbocharged cars from that coked-out era.
And since we're being nostalgic, SundaySunday twists words like they were a Rubick's cube:
In high school in the '80s there were two magazines you kept well past the time the covers pulled away from the staples: The Elle McPherson SI Swimsuit Issue and the Road & Track with the road test for the Callaway Twin Turbo 'Vette.
Way better than the well-intentioned but otherwise disturbing R&T swimsuit issue featuring a shaved Peter Egan sporting a rhinestone-studded one-piece.