Commenter Of The Day: Relentless Optimism Edition

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Positivity is a funny thing. I recently spent four days in the back woods of New Hampshire with a bunch of rally drivers for a story. While there, I was schooled in everything from left-foot braking — it's essential, it's important, it's not exactly easy — to the importance of looking on the bright side when hauling through the woods at triple-digit speeds. "If you do not think you're going to make it out," I was told, "then you should not be there in the first place." As it turns out, most rally drivers spend their careers perpetually believing they won't crash, and it actually helps them to not crash. Cool stuff.

As you might expect, this kind of philosophy can be applied to other disciplines. SharkD, for example, saw the post on the blue CR-Z girl and decided he wanted to be head of our doesn't-really-exist Body-Paintopnik division. He wants it so badly that he made the following comment:

Yeah, that's just a small clip. But if you hit the actual comment, you'll see that dude put his entire resume in the post. Glass half full, brother, glass half full. We'll call you when we have an opening. For now, enjoy the blue nipples.
