Commenter Of The Day: Phi Slama Jama Edition

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The University of Houston Cougars men's basketball team, though not officially a greek fraternal organization, went by the name Phi Slama Jama because of their aggressive style of play which included more dunking and fastbreaks. The most famous members were Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler, who would later play together as Houston Rockets. The team never won a National Championship, though they did advance to the Final Four each year from 1982 to 1984. Their athletic form of play would become the standard, accepted form in the following years. Today's COTD award goes to BigHarv for combining nearly every Jalop-meme into a riff on Black Lightning, though we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the Drexler-like assist from bzr.

Seriously, always Siler, Wes and Ray. Hardigree is always left out of these little fantasies.