After their commercially successful Licensed to Ill, the Beastie Boys produced the initially less successful but now well-regarded Paul's Boutique. The typical line on the album is it is now considered one of the best hip hop records of all time but was not understood by the public or their record company. While there is some truth to this view, and to the recognition of the album as setting a new benchmark in sampling thanks to the Dust Brothers, but it misses the negative side. The sampling is so good, mixing Elvis Costello and Sly And The Family Stone, it makes it seem easy, launching some particularly bad performances. Sure, Girl Talk and Dan The Automator can do it with skill, but don't expect Fall Out Boy's producers to be able to pull it off. Seriously, listen to "Shake Your Rump" and catch the combination of Afrika Bambaataa and Led Zeppelin in the same song. Do it wrong and they'll feed you to the bears leaving BlueRSX to make the hilarious photo captioning happen.