Mick Jackson is one of those directors like Victor Flemming who, despite doing a diverse and large amount of work, have few themes one can point to. Primarily noted for his television work, including the 1999 adaptation of Tuesdays With Morrie and the underrated Live From Baghdad with Helena Bonham Carter and Micheal Keaton, he's done both character-driven and action-driven films. His two Hollywood film productions include the quirky and wonderful L.A. Story and truly awful disaster flick Volcano. If there's one thread we can take out his work, other than the actual film called Threads, is the idea that we have an interconnected universe. This philosophy comes from his first major work, Connections, an influential BBC documentary about the connections between seemingly disparate scientific, cultural, and historical achievements. Sort of what the folks at the Freakonomics Blog are trying to produce, though in a way Mobius_1 doesn't approve of.
Apparently, this Potholcapocalypse was caused by Bill Clinton's affair, which led to the two autobiographies being published, which led to
1)People rushing to buy them books
2)The authors buying fat SUVs which exerted more force on the road
3)Road maintenance people slacking off work, reading those books
4)People being "inspired" by Clinton
5)Political rallies against ClintonThis then also led to the nuclear program in North Korea, who were afraid Clinton was going to steal their women, which Kim wasn't going to make easy. Combined with GW Bush's little door trouble in China, led to Iraq becoming concerned that the USA would attack them due to an Iraqi making the lock. Thus they sent out fake intelligence warnings that they had WMDs.
As a result of that, the USA waged war in Iraq, much to the dismay of Chrysler, GM, and Ford, who, due to the high price of oil caused by the war, couldn't afford better plastics, and were no match for VW etc who actually hedged oil and plastics beforehand as they didn't pay as much to execs as the others, and eventually became bankrupt.
/Freakonomics, my BS version.