In the depths of the TV Writer's Strike there wasn't much for creative Hollywood-types to do but drive around in their prii, picket, and make web videos. Some of these productions were just of people from The Office picketing. Some were just arguments in favor of the strike. They're writers, you can't expect them not to write. Leave it to producer Joss Whedon to make a musical. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog appeals more to the people still obsessed with Firefly, but it's still somewhat funny. In the post about the free hot dogs inside there's a reference on the other window to the Sing-Along Blog but, in the end, we prefer Stoke's interpretation.
"Angels sing 'cause you're gonna die?" on the rear side window? Stay out of this man's way.
Clearly, this fellow has a deathwish. Maybe he lost his job and his wife left him. Maybe he's struggling with alcoholism and his kids don't want to see him anymore. Either way, the "angels" comment indicates he has a religious bent and seeks forgiveness and redemption.
Whatever the reason for the Neon Driver's melancholy, he's decided to end his life in one final, grand gesture that in death, will endear him to his family and to God. The interior of the car is stuffed with Ball Parks. When he buries his Neon into the side of a building and it explodes in a giant fireball, all the wieners inside will be cooked to delicious, plump perfection. The scene of his demise will be a free BBQ for the homeless and unemployed of Motor City. What better way to cook thousands and thousands of meat products at once, using an apparatus that costs thousands less than your typical industrial-capacity grill?
A noble statement, Neon Driver. Noble indeed.
We'll bring the mustard!