If you enjoy a good chicken wing special on game day, as all good Americans do, then you might be disappointed to find out the price of chicken wings has dramatically increased as the price of chicken breasts, the gold standard in chicken, has dropped. According to the New York Times, the reasons relate to the economic downturn and orders for expensive chicken dishes going down (lowering demand) and cheap wings increasing. Because of this, restaurants are trying to sell the "boneless chicken" wing. This serves as a major disappointment to true wing lovers, who don't accept the fake, fat-less wing. While we've always considered the Ford GT-owning John Mayer to be the boneless wing of music, Engineerd disagrees.
About a year or two ago my wife announced to me that we were going to a John Mayer concert at The Palace with another couple. The man in the other couple, we'll call him Dan, was told the same thing by his wife.
I was not pleased. Neither was Dan. John Mayer? Really? Can't the girls just go? We'll go somewhere manly like Hooters.
Nope, the women insisted. Those of you who are married know what I mean. So, we begrudgingly went. The entire way up to The Palace and while waiting for the concert to start we were making fun of John Mayer (usually by calling into question his sexuality) and many of the fans (there were several "men" there in tight black pants and eyeliner).
Then John Mayer came out and started playing. Look, I'm not going to say that he totally won me over, but the man can play and he can sing. Extremely well.
Both Dan and I afterward had to admit that it wasn't as bad as we had imagined.
Now, John has scored more engineerd Cool Points (ePC patent pending) for driving the sexiest car Ford ever produced in the best livery ever to adorn any racer.
Don't lie, you bought a t-shirt.