Commenter Of The Day: Blackout Edition

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The ultimate challenge in any game of Bingo is to hit the blackout, i.e. filling up your card completely. This typically makes the game last longer as the number of balls that have be drawn to hit 20 spaces increases. Well, challenge isn't maybe the right word. It's not challenging in any real sense because, other than keeping track of cards with numbers printed on them, it requires no real mental energy. It's the sport of people too mentally weakened or unskilled to play Blackjack. If you can tell, I'm not a fan of Bingo, though people who love Bingo — i mean truly love it — seem to be unable to substitute any other sport or drug or pastime for this addiction. So, whatever. They're also more likely to be in the age cohort that owns a Lincoln MKS and thus, as MasterP points out, more likely to own a Hennessey Maxboost Lincoln MKS.

@SuzanneD: "The Hennessey Lincoln MKS: When you're REALLY, REALLY late for Super Bingo."

She still seems unimpressed.
