Comment Of The Day: Good And Nice Door Handles Edition

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David did an admirable job reviewing the 2017 Mercedes C300. From a reviewer’s standpoint, it’s not an easy car to write about.

See, supercars and exotics and strange old beaters are easy to write about. You can be funny and use a ton of hyperbole and draw on your reader’s dreams and memories.

But a C300? Taller order. It’s a fine machine for sure, one of those safe, stylish, high-tech, reasonably quick modern cars. But it doesn’t stand out in any extreme or unusual way, and after much deliberation, the tongue-in-cheek headline we went with was The 2017 Mercedes C300 Coupe Looks Good And Drives Good Also. Because it does.


Perhaps this can be a new thing:


Those are all good and nice cars! It’s good that the nice cars are good.