The latest installment of the Jurassic Park franchise has dropped a few days before it was promised, and aside from some 6x6 Mercedes G-Wagens and odd bubble-shaped transportation pods, we get to see Jurassic World's star riding alongside Raptors in a Triumph Scrambler.
Twist my arm and warp my better judgement, and the Scrambler would be one of the few new Triumphs I'd snag in a heartbeat. It's got more style than the Bonneville and far more functionality, and for around $9k, it's only about a grand more than the iconic Bonnie. It's just too bad they don't offer the matte green paint that's featured in the flick.
Sure, the new Tiger ADV would be a far more fitting choice for mixing it up with freakish hybrid beasts grown in a lab and hellbent on ripping humans to shreds, but Pratt wouldn't look nearly as cool as doing this: