Charlie Gibson's Coming To Town: ABC News To Moderate "State Of The Automotive Industry" Live In Detroit

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ABC's Charlie Gibson is coming to Detroit to host World News tonight and tomorrow. While he's here, he'll be moderating a town hall meeting on "the state of the automotive industry" live on the local D-town ABC affiliate, WXYZ. We're lucky enough to have snagged a ticket so we'll be able to see things up-close and personal. Although we doubt there'll be wifi available for a live-blog, expect our first-hand take on the discussion with real, live people from the D here at Jalopnik first thing tomorrow morning. Unless it's really boring, and then you'll probably just see pictures of my hand or some such silliness. We're actually kind of disappointed we won't be able to see hometown hero and IED target, Bob Woodruff. But whatevs, Gibson will do.

Gibson Going To Detroit Next Week [MediaBistro]

Ad Watch: 'Lost' In Translation With Jeep [internal]