Caption Contest: Tiger Woods And Buick Enclave, So Captioned Together

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Although every entry fought hard for the chance to be Jalopnik's next top caption (soon to be a new Fox reality show), unfortunately, as in Highlander, there can be only one — at least until the sequel. It's therefore now our solemn duty to inform the world, and Buick PR man Dave Darovitz, that he should have used commenter frank williams suggestion as the caption of the above photo. Lucky commenter frank williams will receive a selection of automotive trinkets and baubles, including a Chevy Aveo USB key/pen (256 MB and black ink, baby!) pilfered from one of the General's PR events. Just drop that e-mail to us letting us know where to send it, frank williams. Wait, what's that you say — what was the winning caption? My word, in all of this excitement, we nearly forgot to tell you. His caption was:

"Buick: Not out of the Woods yet..."

Jalopnik Caption Contest: Buick's Got An Enclave In The Woods For Tiger, Poll Edition; Jalopnik Caption Contest: Buick's Got An Enclave In The Woods For Tiger [internal]
