Call The Feds, We've Got An Older-Model Lincoln: Traffic Stop In Detroit Nets FBI Attention

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Normally when a traffic stop in Detroit merits federal involvement, its the Justice Department getting on the City of Detroit 5-0 over potential indiscretions or some kind of attempt at a claim of mis- management. But hey, maybe the City's cleaned up its act after the Super Bowl and All Star Game turned the worlds eye with a laser-like focus on the City — because today, the FBI's getting involved because the Detroit City Police have actually done something positive for a change, pulling over a older-model Lincoln at 3 AM today after he ran a red light on Woodward Avenue south of West Chicago Blvd. Spokespo-po James "no relation to Terry" Tate confirmed the Detroit police had contacted the FBI for assistance after the motorist was found carrying maps and five out-of-state license plates and driver's licenses in his vehicle. Of course, he could have just been a collector of license plates and been carrying ID's for his buddies at the bar — but whatever — Detroit Police, 1. Terrorists, 0.

Man found with license plates, IDs detained [Freep]

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