Put on your Google-Translate-to-English decoder rings, kids. The gang at The German Car Blog offer up a play-by-play, by way of germany's Motor Vision, of a race from Munich Graefelfing to Berlin between an Audi RS4 and the ICE bullet train. If you're up for sorting through machine-made constructions such as, "The 4.2-Liter-Benzindirekteinspritzer is expenditure-squeezed. Thus s-button pressed at the steering wheel to be correct in order to blow the side cheeks up of the standard Recaro seat bowls to sharpen the accelerotor pedal," it's a helluva ride.
Audi RS4: Duel against German bullet train!, Part 1, Part 2 [The German Car Blog]
Commuter Train Smacks Down 12 Cars in Chicago, Doesn't Derail [internal]